Guattari Reader
Gary Genosko
Not Available
The Frege Reader
Gottlob Frege and 1 more
The Castoriadis Reader
David Ames Curtis
Cornelius Castoriadis
The Bataille Reader
Georges Bataille and 2 more
The Norbert Elias Reader
Johan Goudsblom and 1 more
The Virilio Reader
Paul Virilio and 1 more
The Hegel Reader
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and 1 more
The Angela Y. Davis Reader
Angela Y Davis and 1 more
The Zizek Reader
Elizabeth Wright and 1 more
The Certeau Reader
Michel de Certeau and 1 more
The Adorno Reader
Theodor W Adorno and 1 more
The Talcott Parsons Reader
Talcott Parsons and 1 more
The Bauman Reader
Peter Beilharz
The Raymond Williams Reader
Raymond Williams and 1 more
The Kierkegaard Reader
Søren Kierkegaard and 2 more
The Wittgenstein Reader
Ludwig Wittgenstein and 1 more
The Nietzsche Reader
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and 2 more
The Rorty Reader
Christopher J Voparil and 1 more